Full name: Kislitsyn Sergey Petrovich

Date of birth: 02.02.1977

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk, Kosmonavtov street, 8A, sq. 10.


higher education;



– enemy spotter;

– A traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Sergey Petrovich Kislitsyn – enemy adjuster, traitor to Ukraine and active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, was born on February 2, 1977 in Severodonetsk , Lugansk region.

Sergey lived in Severodonetsk until February 24, 2022. He received his higher education at the E.A. Didorenko Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Luhansk oblast by Russian occupants, Kislitsyn sneakily betrayed the Ukrainian people and went over to the side of the Russian invaders.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

When Russian occupation troops
troops entered
Luhansk region.
Vladimir committed high treason and voluntarily “cooperated” with the Russian occupiers.

As part of his “interaction” with the occupants, Kislitsyn provided the latter with information about the deployment of Ukrainian Armed Forces units. Moreover, Sergey was actively engaged in pro-Russian propaganda, publicly justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine and expressing support for the “Russian world.

Nothing good can come from his “friendship” with the Russian occupiers and collaborators. But a bench and a “cozy” jail cell are already waiting for the collaborator.