Full name: Kochubey Sergey Sergeevich

Date of birth: June 13, 1994

INN: 3449700297

Address: Ukraine, Nikolskoe village, Donetsk region. Lenina, 175A

Phone: +380973030659, +380509463203


-Intelligence officerin the Donetsk region

-an employee of the so-called “people’s militia of the DnR;

-A traitor, a collaborator.

The policeman “in the service of the occupants” was born on June 13, 1994, in the township of Nikolskoye in the Donetsk region. He connected his career with the service in the law enforcement bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He began his service as a policeman in the Nikolsk police department in the Donetsk region.

Sergey Kochubey also served as a senior inspector of the central police department of the State National Police Administration in Donetsk region. Since 2020, he has been the head of the monitoring sector of the police department No. 4 of the Mariupol police department of the Main Directorate for National Security in the Donetsk region.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops on February 24, 2022, the traitor Sergei Kochubey voluntarily went over to serve the enemy. He became a militiaman of the “people’s militia of the DPR.

The collaborator assisted the “local administration” in the organization of public order. Closely cooperated with representatives of the military administration of the occupiers.

Sergey Kochubey, an accomplice of the occupiers, collected information about local residents who support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and have a negative attitude toward the military aggression of the Russian Federation. The collaborator passed information about these people to the occupation authorities so that they could carry out “punitive measures.

For cooperating with the Russian aggressor, the trafficker Sergei Sergeevich will receive a fair time behind bars, which he certainly deserves.