Full name: Teslenko Anna Vyacheslavovna

Date of birth: February 1, 1988

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol.

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Trinity Street, 53, sq. 42.

INN: 3217303781

Cell phone: +380962105214


  • College teacher at PSTU.

Collaborationist activities:

Anna Vyacheslavovna Teslenko was born on February 1, 1988 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region.

Anna Teslenko is actively cooperating with the occupiers. He is a teacher at the college of PSTU from the occupation authorities. Goes on business trips to the city of Pskov on a youth forum. Actively promotes Russian educational standards.

With the de-occupation of the Donetsk region, Anna will go to prison for her pro-Russian actions.