Full name: Merkotan Sergey Vladimirovich

Date of birth: January 18, 1970

Address: Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the township of Primorsky, ul. Gagarin, 19, kv. 13;

DRFO: 2558512695

Passport: EU 168090

Foreign passport: ET 851272

Driver’s license:


– serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, chief of the meteorological service A0156;

– A deserter, a serviceman in the Russian Armed Forces;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;



Married, no children.

Wife – Galina Merkotan (Silenok), born on August 17, 1979.

The officer who became a traitor – Merkotan Sergey Vladimirovich, was born on January 18, 1970 in the village of Pravda, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Sergei will spend his entire life in the Crimea, where he will meet his wife, and where he will become a traitor.

From his teenage years, Mercotan dreamed only of a career in the military. After graduating from one of the specialized universities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he returned to Crimea and enlisted in the military unit A0156. There he reached great heights – some time later he was appointed head of the meteorological service. In any case, it was a pleasure for Sergei to serve in his native Crimea.

Unfortunately, things changed in 2014. After the Russian occupation of the Crimean Peninsula began, Sergey deserted the AFU and joined the invaders. The latter, by the way, he also swore an oath of “loyalty,” but now we know what Mercotan’s word is worth. From February 24, 2022, he continued his “service” as part of the army of the occupiers.

For his heinous betrayal, Sergei Merkotan will face a severe punishment from which he will have nowhere to escape.