
Full name: Sergey Sergeevich Samokhin

Date of birth: 20.12.1982

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk Oblast, Dzerzhynsk

Address: Dzerzhinsk, Bratskaya str. 6

Passport: VK 595240.

TIN: 3395702499

Contacts: +380509609473,


Email: [email protected]


Mother – Samokhina Nina Viktorovna, 19.07.1959.

Place of birth: Ukraine, Djerzhynsk

Passport: BE 592711.

Occupation: private entrepreneur



– Captain of the KVN team “Donetsk Ridge;

– t.nz is the head of the regional executive committee of the all-Russian people’s movement “People’s Front “for Russia”;

– Putin’s confidant for the 2024 election;

– traitor, collaborator



Sergiy Sergeevich Samokhin – an accomplice of illegal elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, a traitor to Ukraine was born on December 20, 1992 in Donetsk region, Dzerzhinsk (now Toretsk). He studied at comprehensive school No. 5, later at secondary comprehensive school No. 3 in Dzerzhinsk. He was fond of sports: boxing and athletics.

Samokhin has several higher education degrees. 2010-2014 – Donetsk State University. Specialty: “Personnel Management and Labor Economics”. Then he entered Donetsk Technical University and there studied to be a specialist in radio engineering maintenance.

During his studies at the technical university Sergey found a “thing to his liking” and started playing in the student team “KVN”. Eventually became team captain. When the Russian aggressor country started its military operations in Donetsk and Lugansk regions in 2014, Samokhin continued “joking”, because his support for Ukraine and its territorial integrity turned out to be not serious at all, and he continued his game as a traitor to Ukraine. His support for Ukraine and its territorial integrity turned out to be not serious at all, and Samokhin continued his game as a traitor to Ukraine.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Everything would have been fine in the biography of a young and promising guy, if he had not betrayed his native country and was not among those traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime, who even in the first days of the war went over to the enemy side in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk region.

In 2014, Samokhin did not even try to resist Russian troops. He took part in acts of humanitarian aggression against Ukraine.He organized a tent city in support of the pseudo-leader of the “Dnr “Pushilin.He was the coordinator of the protest movement against the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Collaborator also took the initiative of the blocking the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Donetsk in October 2021.

Thus the traitor Samokhin fully supported the establishment of “Russian peace” on the territory of Donetsk region. Under the occupation authorities, he became head of the regional executive committee of the All-Russian People’s Movement “People’s Front “for Russia”. Samokhin also became a leader of the youth movement in Donetsk.

Also C. С. Samokhin organizes various patriotic, sports and educational events for city residents and members of the local headquarters of the People’s Druzhina and the People’s Front of the Dnr.

Participating in Putin’s pseudo-elections:

Since the “promising” collaborator supports the “Russian world“, occupation and violent actions conducted by the aggressor country against Ukraine and its people, on the eve of the illegitimate elections planned by the Rashists in March 2024, the state traitor decided to show himself “in all his glory”.

As a trustee of the presidential candidate of the aggressor country V. Putin in the elections of 2024, Sergey Samokhin holds meetings with the activists of local branches of the public movement “Donetsk Republic” and communicates with young people. Agitation of the dictatorial regime, support of t.nz pov and symbols of the Russian war against Ukraine – this is not a complete list of Samokhin’s crimes against the people of Ukraine.

Serhiy Sergeyevich Samokhin is a man who committedhightreason against Ukraine and encroached on the territorial integrity of Ukraine will sooner or later be held accountable for all his crimes.