Full name: Shabashov Sergey Anatolievich

Date of birth: 25.01.1986

Address: Shaykovka avenue (12 sq. 49)

Additional information:

Passport: 80058538

Issued by: Kuyurganzinskiy ROVD of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. Bashkortostan.

University: Stavropol Higher Military Aviation School for Air Defense Pilots and Navigators

Faculty: Aircraft

Edition: 2006(years)

Form of training: Full-time department

Military rank: Guards Senior Lieutenant (2013)

Contacts: +79200931750

The information about war criminals is taken from an investigation by the OSINT community:

Terrorist Activities:

Shabashov Sergey Anatolievich Born on January 25, 1986. in the town of Shaikovka.

Involved with the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, which is based in Shaykovka.

44 people from the 52nd Guards Regiment (Shaikovka) involved in the terrorist act, and one of them is, Shabashov Sergey Anatolyevich, who is responsible for the implementation of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine on the holiday day of January 14, 2023.

One of the terrorist rockets hit a high-rise building in the city of Dnipro and as a result of the hit the whole entrance of the high-rise collapsed, from 2nd to 9th floor, the first floor together with people and bodies of the dead was under the rubble.