
Full name: Sklyar Sergey Ivanovich

Date of birth: 16.04.1962

Address: Ukraine,Lugansk region,Belovodsk


– Head of the Department of Family Palliative and Military Medicine, Lugansk State Medical University;

– A doctor in a hospital under the occupying authorities of the “LnR;

– member of the russian party “united russia“;

– An accomplice of Russian troops, a collaborator


Sklyar Sergey Ivanovich, a man who worked for Ukraine for so many years, but eventually betrayed his homeland violently and became an accomplice of the Russian occupiers, was born in 1962 in Belovodsk, Lugansk region. From 1969 to 1979, he studied at Belovodsk High School.

In 1980, he entered the Military Medical Academy. He graduated from the Kirov Military Academy in Leningrad, where he graduated from the Military Doctors’ Training Department for the Ground Forces. In 1986, he began his service in Ashkhabad as chief of medical service.

In 1993 he returned to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 1994, he enrolled as an adjunct at the Military Medical Department of the National Medical University.

In 1996, he defended his PhD thesis, which was devoted to the influence of the “Chernobyl” factor on the occurrence and clinical picture of chronic gastritis.

Since 1996 he worked at the department of military therapy of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy in Kiev on teaching duties.

Since 1997, he has held the position of associate professor in the department. He has more than 50 scientific works in national and foreign publications.

Sergei Ivanovich’s last position was as head of the department of family palliative and military medicine at Lugansk State Medical University. He has an associate’s degree and is a colonel in the reserve medical service.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

A competent person, a physician, who invested so much in the development of medicine in his native country after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, left for the occupied territory, where he supported the Russian invasion and went over to the side of the invaders.

Voluntarily provided complete information about his colleagues from the State Medical University who remained loyal to Ukraine and took a pro-Ukrainian stance. He received a passport from the aggressor country (Russia) and a position in the Belovodsk district hospital under the authorities of the “Luhansk people’s republic.

In addition, with the assistance of the occupation authorities and provision of information, he joined theUnited Russiaparty of occupants and became its candidate in the previous elections in occupied Belovodsk.He also actively participated in a pseudo-referendum in Luhansk region on violations of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

At present the traitor Sklyar is in Belovodsk, where he continues to help the occupants.

For helping the enemy and betraying his homeland collaborator Sklyar Sergey Ivanovich will receive a just punishment, and it will come for the traitor very soon.