Full name: Sergey Tarasenko

Date of birth: 25.08.1987

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Shterovka village.

Secondary specialty;





– enemy agitator;

– A traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Sergei Tarasenko is an enemy agitator, traitor to Ukraine and active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, born on August 25, 1987 in the village of Shterivka, Lugansk region.

Until February 24, 2022 Sergei lived in the temporarily occupied Shterovka and worked as a miner at the Komsomolskaya mine. He was educated at the Slavyansk Technical School of Railway Transport. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers, Tarasenko sneakily betrayed the Ukrainian people and voluntarily defected to the Russian occupiers.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After Russian occupation troops entered Luhansk region.Tarasenko committed high treason and voluntarily “cooperated” with the Russian occupiers.

As part of his “cooperation” with the Russian invaders, Sergei actively engaged in pro-Russian agitation, and spoke out in favor of “Russian peace.” Tarasenko also went to Moscow to work as a laborer, which also helped the occupiers.

The traitor supports Russia’s military and political actions towards Ukraine, wears Russian “V” and “Z” signs, as well as the St. George ribbon, which he considers a symbol of victory.

Sergei Tarasenko faces a harsh and inevitable punishment for aiding the enemy and crimes against the Ukrainian people, which is getting closer every day. The dock already awaits the collaborator.