
Full name: Vysotin Sergey

Date of birth: 26.10.1975

Address: AR, Crimea


– an enabler of Putin’s regime;

– representative of the occupation administration of the Kherson region;

– a so-called member of the “centrist election commission” in occupied Crimea;

– Deputy Chairman of the “Election Commission of the Kherson Region” 2023 г.


Vysotin Sergey – an accomplice of Putin on the territory of Ukraine, a pseudo-officer under the occupants, was born on October 26, 1975 in AR Krim, Krasnoperekopsk. Krasnoperekopsk. Lived at 88 Michurina St., square 1

After the invasion of Russian occupation troops into the East of Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea , Vysotin defected to the side of the enemy, took part in an illegal referendum and decided to build his political career under the Rashists.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Vysotin is an employee of the occupation structures in Crimea after 2014. Collaborator Sergey Vysotin is a member of the so-called “election commission of the Republic of Crimea with the right of casting vote”. He worked as “deputy head of the organizational department – head of the department of ensuring the electoral process of the apparatus of the Election Commission of Crimea”. It is known that in 2014 he organized the so-called referendum in the town of Krasnoperekopsk.

Also, the Rashist accomplice Vysotin held the substitute position of deputy head of the organizational department – head of the department for ensuring the electoral process of the apparatus of the election commission of Crimea. Vysotin was included in the current “election commission” on the recommendation of the all-Russian public constructive-environmental movement of Russia “Kedr”.

In 2023, before the September elections planned by the Rashists, Sergey Vysotin was elected deputy chairman of the “election commission of the Kherson region”.

For supporting the occupation troops, as well as spreading pro-Russian sentiments, the abettor of the “
of the Putin regime
“Sergei Vysotin will have to answer to the law. By contributing to the terrorist activities of rf in Ukraine, the collaborator cruelly betrayed his people and for this he will be justly punished. There will be no forgiveness for such state treason.