
Full Name:
Sergey Nikolayevich Zinoviev

Date of birth: 22.11.1975

Ukraine, Lugansk, Leninskogo Komsomola street, sq.86

Passport of a citizen of rf:



– Director of the Luhansk educational association “Academy of Childhood”;

– candidate for deputy to the “People’s Council of Lnr” from the “SrZP” party;

– a traitor to Ukraine, an accomplice of the Rashists.


Zinoviev Sergey Nikolayevich – traitor to Ukraine and an active collaborator of the Russian occupation troops, was born on November 22, 1975 in the city of Lugansk. Graduated Lugansk National University The name of the author of the article. Shevchenko (diploma 151624 from 30.06.2015).

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

As soon as the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in 2014, Zinoviev betrayed Ukraine and voluntarily began to “cooperate” with the Russian invaders, especially in the cultural sphere.

Sergey Nikolayevich engaged in collaborationism and took the position of “director of theLuhansk educational association “Academy of Childhood“.

Since the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupiers in February 2022, Sergei Zinoviev has intensified his desire to curry favor with the collaborators of Putin’s regime in Ukraine and is engaged in organizing and hosting events in favor of russia, propagandizing for the “Russian world,” and disseminating russian narratives and fakes.

The collaborator also actively carries out “cultural and educational work among civilians and young people, for example, by organizing so-called “Russian holidays” under the auspices of the occupants. At the same time, he actively campaigned for the historical reunification of lugansk with russia and thus publicly justified rf aggression against Ukraine.

On June 7, 2023, Sergei Zinoviev was elected chairman of the council of the local branch of the socialist political party “Fair Russia – Patriots for Truth” in the Luhansk city district of “Lnr”, and willingly registered his candidacy in the lists for the September pseudo-elections to the “People’s Council of Lnr”.

Voluntarily “working” for the enemy, Sergei Nikolaevich became an accomplice to all the crimes of the invaders and collaborators against innocent people. However, the traitor will soon answer to the Ukrainian people for his crimes. Jail time is already awaiting the collaborator.