Full name: Shvydenko Stanislav Yuryevich

Date of birth: 07.09.1986

Place of birth: Zaporozhye region, Tokmak

Passport: CB561746

Identification Code: 3166104753

Address: Zaporozhye region, Tokmak city, Miru street, 35.

Phones: +380501323137, +380991501002, +380979908857.

Position: Officer of the “people’s militia.


Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Shvydenko Stanislav Yurievich was born September 7, 1986 in Tokmak. In the same city from 1993 to 2001, he studied at School No. 5. He received his higher education at the Taurida State Agrotechnological University. Dmitriy Motorny, at the Mechanical Engineering Department, specializing in “Mechanization of Agriculture”.

On his page in “VKontakte” he indicated that his position was “Traffic Management Inspector of Chernihiv District Traffic Police”.

Traitor to the Motherland. An accomplice of the Russian-fascist invaders and occupiers. An accomplice to the crimes of fascist Russia against Ukraine and its citizens. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he supported the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, volunteered to work with the occupation authorities, and cooperated closely with them. He has pro-Russian views.

Conducted active anti-Ukrainian propaganda. On the instructions of the occupants, he suppressed resistance and intimidated the inhabitants of the temporarily occupied territories. He turned in people who help the AFU and have pro-Ukrainian views. Didn’t neglect the transport with the V mark.

When Russian soldiers bullied and killed civilians who supported Ukraine and the Ukrainian military, he was very happy. Propagandized among the population that “the dispersion is here forever.