Name: Kalinichenko Svetlana Valeriyevna

Date of birth: 14.10.1963

Address: Berdyansk, Krylov Street, 78/71 sq.73. (father’s apartment, lives with him)

Phone: +380662421609



– Collaborator;

-Chairmanof the Colony Neighborhood Committee.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Kalinichenko Svetlana Valeriyevna – a collaborator, chairman of the Kolonia Microdistrict Committee. I was getting ready for Victory Day on May 9.

Her task is to leak information to the orcs about city residents in their districts on the following subjects: ATO participants and their family members; military pensioners – for forced retirement pensions from Russia; lists of empty houses and apartments of city residents, for future settlement in their homes of the Dnrovians who will emigrate to Berdyansk to serve the occupants.

Traitor of Ukraine, voluntarily took the side of the occupiers and supported the illegal seizure of Ukrainian territories by Russia and actively contributes to the Russification of the city. Cooperates with Russian terrorist organizations in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia Region and the city of Berdyansk.

Repeatedly, Berdyansk residents who supported Ukraine were extradited to the illegal authorities, after which they succumbed to reprisals, torture, and abuse. He directly participates in the eviction of people from apartments, those who disagree are severely punished, and he is on good terms with the occupiers.

An active participant in pro-Russian movements in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia Region, an advocate of “Russian peace.