Пособница российских оккупантов

Full name: Trokhimenko Svetlana Aleksandrovna

Date of birth: 20.11.1981

TIN: 2990901781

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, the city of Liman.

Address of residence: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Liman, Pushkina str. 9A, sq.7.

Mobile phone:


– traitor to Ukraine.

Collaborationist activities:

Trokhimenko Svetlana Aleksandrovna was born November 20, 1981 in the city of Liman, which is located in the Donetsk region.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Svetlana supported the policy of the occupation authorities and went over to the side of the enemy herself.

Before the occupation, Svetlana Alexandrovna worked as a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature at School No. 2 in Liman, Donetsk region. She collaborated with the occupiers and began teaching in the Russian program.

After the deoccupation of the Donetsk region, Svetlana will be expelled from the Donetsk region.