
Full name: Svetlana Sergeevna Verich

Address: Donetsk


– deputy head of the “administration of the Proletarian district of Donetsk;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator


Svetlana Sergeevna Verich, an accomplice of the Russian invaders, was born in the city of Donetsk. In her hometown, the woman worked in one of the city’s utilities and for a long time was involved in administrative matters for the improvement of the city.

After the full-scale invasion of the Donetsk region by Russian invaders began, the traitor Verich voluntarily switched to cooperation with the occupiers and began working in the administrative structures of the Rashists.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Thus, Svetlana Verich, being in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region , consciously, by her own convictions and persistent pro-Russian views, went over to the side of the enemy and took the position of the so-called “first deputy head of the “administration of Proletarian district of Donetsk”.

While in this pseudo-duty, Svetlana Sergeevna coordinates various issues concerning the improvement of the city of Donetsk, as well as the administration of housing and utilities by the standards of the “dnr. Donetsk, as well as housing and communal administration according to “dnr” standards.

The traitor Verich Svetlana Sergeevna will answer for betraying the state, violation of Ukrainian legislation, and her collaborationist activities according to all her merits. And the punishment for the traitor will come very soon.