
Full name: Dushchak Svetlana Koleynikova

Date of birth: 02.03.1975

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Berdyansk city

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Primorsky district, Radolovka village, Kolarova str. 2.

INN: 2745418068


Husband – Duschak Victor Mikhailovich, 13.09.1973

Passport: CA948196

Driver’s license: JTA272585

INN: 2691907833

Phone : +380975557927,
+380504562453, +380975557927

Son – Duschak Andrei Viktorovich Duschak, 27.10.1995

Passport: СЮ251808

Driver’s license: VHT568524

INN: 3499801550

Social media: https://vk.com/andrey_duschak



– a former employee of the agricultural production cooperative Agrofirma Kolos;

– an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

– “election commissioner in a pseudo-election.”



Dushchak Svetlana Koleynikivna – an accomplice of the Russian occupation regime in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region, was born in Zaporizhzhya region, Beriadnsk. She lives in the village Radolovka, Primorsky district, where since 2002 she worked in one of the agricultural cooperatives “Agrofirma Kolos”, also for several years Svetlana worked at “Priazovskiy cheese factory”.

Svetlana Koleynikovna is married. Husband – Duschak Victor Mikhailovich also worked at the agricultural enterprise “Kolos”. There is a son – Duschak Andrey Viktorovich, born in 1995. After graduating from school, in 2013, Andriy decided to connect his life with public service and entered the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. He also studied at the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

After graduation he was distributed in his native land and served at the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhya region as an inspector of the Patrol Service of Berdyansk RPP of the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhya region.

Before the beginning of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Svetlana Dushchak had pro-Ukrainian views, but with the invasion of Russian occupation troops into the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, Dushchak supported the Russian side.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

Svitlana Dushchak turned out to be a collaborator who willingly fulfills the instructions of the illegal authority – the occupation administration of Zaporizhzhya region. The state officials are agitating for pro-Ukrainian residents of the localities in the Primorsky district and believe that Russia is there forever.

Svitlana Dushchak, an accomplice of the Rashists, became one of the participants in the process of the so-called “elections“, which the Rashists planned to hold in September 2023 in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

In particular, on September 2, 2023 Dushchak Svetlana together with other traitors of Primorsky district of Zaporizhzhya region was engaged in collecting votes for “United Russia” among local residents of Radolovka village within the framework of “pre-voting”. The traitor made the rounds of the houses as a “member of the election committee.”

All those who supported Russia in its efforts to destroy the territorial integrity of Ukraine and hold pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories will be justly punished before a tribunal. Soon the collaborator Dushchak Svetlana Koleynikivna will be held accountable for all her crimes against the people of Ukraine.