Full name: Tatyana Glushan

Address: Ukraine,,Golopristansky area,Zburievka village.


– an employee of the occupation administration of the VOT of the Kherson region;

– an administrative officer under the Rashists;

– A collaborator of the occupation authorities, a collaborator


Glushan Tatyana Vladimirovna – an accomplice of Russian invaders in Ukraine, who sold out to the“Russian world” was born in the village of Zburievka, Golopristansky district, Kherson region. Prior to the war, she worked and resided in said territory as a secretary to the local government and as a citizen services specialist.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Tanya Glushan has already managed to distinguish herself with her pro-Russian views since the beginning of her working life under the occupants. After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, the woman showed her pro-Russian stance and supported the actions of the occupiers. The newly-minted collaborator voluntarily defected to the enemy and began working for the local occupation administration as an “employee of the public department” of the occupation authorities of the Kherson region.

The pobnitsa of “Putin’s regime” under the direction of the Rashist authorities performed the duties of a specialist of the personnel work department, as well as dispositive functions, listening to the collaborators.

In addition, the collaborator was engaged in Russian passportization of residents of temporarily occupied sett lements of Golopristansky district. She joyfully reported on the opening of illegal administrative bodies of the Russian Federation on the territory of the community. She drew up and issued the necessary documents according to the Russian model. She became an accomplice of all propaganda activities organized by the Russian invaders.

For treason and collaborationist activity, the traitor Glushan Tatyana Vladimirovna will answer on all merits. And the punishment will come very soon.