
Full name: Tatiana Medvedkova

Date of birth: 09.10.1979

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Golaya Prystan town

Social Media: https://ok.ru/profile/563882391651


– propagandist of the “Russian world“;

– a hairdresser, a worker under the occupying power;

– An accomplice of the Russian troops, a collaborator of the Russian army


Medvedkova Tatiana – a woman who lived in Ukraine all her life, but believed in the “Russian world” and became an accomplice of the enemy troops, was born in the town of Golaya Prystan, Kherson region. Characterized with a negative social profile and a lifestyle that is not quite appropriate. She studied to be a hairdresser and has been serving Russians since the early days of the occupation.

After the beginning of thefull-scale invasion of the Russian occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine in February 2022, the woman became one of the first residents of the mentioned settlement, who voluntarily together with her family-cohort of traitors went over to the side of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

A resident of Golaya Prystan village cooperated with the occupants, who helped her open her “own business” – a hairdresser’s shop, promotes “Russian peace” and supports Putin‘s occupation policy. Induces the local population to get a Russian passport. I already got it myself. Agitating the locals to go fight for theSwami.

Thus, the woman was one of the first to wave a tricolor rag and started agitating local residents to help the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the so-called “liberators”.

The collaborator then began organizing humanitarian aid for the enemy and helping not only with food, but also with other supplies in the form of humanitarian aid for Russian terrorists.

The state trafficker was engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the benefit of the occupants, happily welcomed Russian volunteer vehicles and tried to bribe local residents with a “decent future” in exchange for “passportization“.

For helping the enemy and betraying her homeland, collaborator Tatyana Medvedkova will be justly punished, and it will come for the traitor very soon, as for all collaborators of Putin’s regime.