
Full name: Moskaluk Tatiana Nikolaevna

Date of birth: 14.07.1961

Address: Ukraine,Kherson region,Kakhovsky district,s.Obryvka


– headman of the village of Obryvka in the Kherson region under the occupation authorities;

– an accomplice of the Russian invaders;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator



Moskaluk Tatiana Nikolaevna – traitor to the Motherland and collaborator of Russian invaders, was born on July 14, 1961 in the village of Obryvka, Kakhovska district, Kherson region.

Once upon a time Tatyana Nikolayevna worked as an accountant in the financial department of the Novokakhovsky Territorial Community. But as it turned out, the woman concealed her pro-Russian views and voluntarily supported the policies of the occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Tatyana Nikolaevna began to actively assist the occupation troops and the temporary leadership in the rural community.

Collaborator contributed to the activities of Russian Federation military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. In particular, she was given the “position” of head of the village of Obryvka and conducted “explanatory work” with local residents.

At present, the traitor has fled to the village of Strelkovoye in the Genichesky district and continues to engage in propaganda activities there. He advocates “Russian peace” and armed aggression. Together with her husband celebrated the day of the Russian flag, does not believe in the de-occupation of Ukraine.

Tatyana Nikolayevna Moskaluk will soon have to answer to the people for complicity with the Russian occupants. For the punishment for aiding the enemy is inevitable.