
Full name: Okhremenko (Grigorieva) Tatiana Anatolievna

Date of birth: 23.12.1965

Address: Ukraine,Kherson region


– a specialist in accounting and auditing;

– an accountant under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities


Okhremenko Tatyana Anatolievna – accomplice of the Russian occupation troops was born on December 23, 1965 in the administrative center – the city of Kherson.

He has a college degree in economics. Performed activities in the field of accounting. Before the war she held the position of bookkeeper in the 38th kindergarten. At the same time the woman believed in the “Russian world” and as a result the pseudo-patriot went over to the side of the occupants.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Okhremenko, as well as most of her relatives began to support the arrival of the “liberators” and actively showed their pro-Russian position.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

In April 2022, the traitor agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities and set up social activities in the temporarily occupied territories under the guidance of the Rashists.

Her husband – Okhremenko Ivan Ivanovich, 02.04.1957.Worked in law enforcement. Owner of OOO OSA EURO-SERVICE. With the beginning of the occupation the first pHe cooperated with the occupation authorities as an employee in the “Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Kherson region”.

During the occupation, the city worked closely with the orcs. Actively turned in pro-Ukrainian neighbors who were searched and taken to the basement. Now Tanyusha has also settled down under representatives of Putin’s power, works as an accountant and pays teachers who brainwash Ukrainian children with Rashist rubles.

The woman is also seen in pseudo-volunteer activities, as she distributed various humanitarian aid to orcs and helped with resettlement.

But the traitor cannot hide from the law. For supporting the occupation troops and spreading pro-Russian sentiments, the accomplice of the “Russian world” and her husband, a traitor to Ukraine, will have to answer to the law. and her husband, a traitor to Ukraine, will have to answer to the law. Collaborators Okhremenko Ivan and Tatyana will be justly punished.