Full name: Tatyana Rybalka

Date of birth: 10.10.1991

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Belotserkovka village, 19 Karl Marx str.

INN: 3352010005

Phone: +79900423501


– Secretary of the village council of Kamysh-Zarya, Zaporozhye region. Kamysh-Zarya, Zaporozhye region;

– t.v. supervisor. “Military and Civil Administration of the settlement of Kuybyshevo, Zaporizhzhia region;

– An accomplice of the occupier, a collaborator

State prisoner Rybalka Tatyana Vladimirovna was born on October 10, 1991 in the village of Belotserkovka, Kuybyshev district of Zaporizhzhia region. He has three higher educations.

In 2013 she graduated from Mariupol State University and received a basic higher education with the qualification of Bachelor of Russian Philology, teacher of Russian language and literature.

In 2014 she graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University and received a full higher education – qualification of a philologist.

Tatyana Rybalka received another education in 2020. She graduated from Berdyansk State Pedagogical University and received a professional qualification as an early childhood and preschool educator.

The female treasonous stranger began her work activities in May 2016. She worked as a teacher at the nursery-kindergarten “Veselun” of the Kamysh-Zaryansky village council of the Bilmetsky district, Zaporizhzhia region;

From November 2016 to November 2019 she worked as a pre-school teacher of the nursery-kindergarten “Cheburashka” of Kamysh-Zaryanskiy settlement council of Bilmetskiy district of Zaporizhzhya region. She was then promoted to head of the preschool.

In 2020, Tatyana continued her work in the self-government bodies of Kamysh-Zarya village and served as a secretary of the township council.

With the beginning ofthe full-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops, Tatiana Rybalka became one of those who betrayed their country and became a collaborator in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Russian occupation’s abettor Rybalka Tatiana Vladimirovna headed the so-called “Military-civil administration of the settlement of Kuybyshevo, Zaporizhzhia region.

The woman persevered through all the tasks of outreach under the occupation administration. She was in charge of “social welfare and housing and utilities.

Tatyana Rybalka, a collaborator of the Russian occupants, will soon have to answer to the people for her complicity with the Russian occupants. For the punishment for aiding the enemy is inevitable.