
Full name:
Smolyaninova (Khalaim) Tatiana Vasilyevna

Ukraine, Zaporozhye region,Berdyansk city.


– former deputy of Berdyansk City Council of VII, VIII convocations;

– participant of the pseudo-referendum on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region;

– head of a leisure club under the occupation authorities;

– candidate for the pseudo-election from “United Russia



Smolyaninova Tatyana Vasilyevna – traitor to Ukraine, employee of the occupation administration in Zaporizhzhya region, participant offake elections was born in Berdyansk. She is a public and political figure. Former deputy of Berdyansk city council of VII, VIII convocations.

As soon as the Russian occupation troops invaded the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, Tatyana Vasilyevna showed her anti-Ukrainian position and supported the policy of the occupiers . The woman voluntarily agreed to cooperate with representatives of the racist authorities and began working in the sphere of culture under the occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

First of all, the accomplice of the Rashists directly participated in the processes of pseudo-referendum on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, was the coordinator and was responsible for the preparation and organization of the illegal event, including the woman offered employees of state institutions to become a member of the vote counting at the fake referendum.

Then the collaborator headed the city leisure club “Sovremennik”. While in her pseudo-duty, the collaborator of the Rashists was the organizer of many cultural events in the city and is proud of the diplomas awarded by local pseudo-government officials. She repeatedly attended meetings in the captured city hall of Berdyansk.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

Also on the eve of the elections planned by the Rashists in September 2023 , the corrupt collaborator registered her candidacy from the political party “United Russia” and has already managed to participate in the preliminary voting.

For complicity with the occupation troops, assistance to the enemy in the organization of non-legitimate elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine the traitor Tatyana Vasilyevna Smolyaninova is inevitably punished, which will soon befall the traitor.