Full name: Tatiana Surzhan

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lisichansk



– deputy of the Lisichansk City Council;

– organizer of a pseudo-referendum on the territory of Luhansk Region;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation regime


Tatyana Surzhan, a traitor to her homeland and collaborator with the Russian occupiers, was born in the city of Lysychansk, Luhansk Oblast.

According to the Resolution of the Lysychansk City Election Commission of 10.12.2017 Tatiana Alexandrovna Surzhan was elected to the City Council and registered as a deputy of the Lysychansk City Council of the seventh convocation from the local organization of the Political Party “Opposition Bloc“.

For several years, Tatyana Surzhan hid her real attitude towards Ukraine, and after the start of full-scale hostilities of the Russian aggressor country in the Luhansk region in February 2022, the local deputy still showed her real face and began to serve the Russian occupiers.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Luhansk Oblast by Russian invaders began, Tatyana Surzhan began to establish cooperation with representatives of the Putin regime in Ukraine.

Collaborator Surzhan began to actively participate in the “political life” of Lysychansk under the leadership of the occupation authorities. Actively demonstrated on propaganda channels real “people’s love” and support for the Russian Federation. On the eve of the p
of the referendum .
The traitor reported that Russian flags were brought to the “referendum” polling stations in Lysychansk, “which will have to be hung on the balconies of all those wishing to do so.

Surzhan urged residents to repaint Ukrainian symbols with the tricolor in local public boards, provided organizational assistance to the occupants in conducting propaganda activities during the illegal referendum, and directly became the chairman of the Lysychansk election commission.

An ardent admirer of the “Russian world,” she provided organizational assistance to the occupiers in conducting propaganda activities during the illegal referendum and agitated the local population to support all illegal actions of the occupiers with respect to the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Tatyana Surzhan, a deputy from Lysychansk, found herself on the list of despicable traitors and collaborators, and a just punishment awaits her for aiding the Russian enemy. After all, she will certainly have to answer both to the law and to her people for betraying her homeland.