Thanks to E. Balitsky, the occupants are squeezing real estate in Melitopol.

Thanks to spineless gauleiter E. Balitsky there is a mass squeezing of real estate in Melitopol in the interests of the occupants.

📯 In the hotel “


335/2, Lomonosova Street, the collaborators have lodged about 50 officers of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, who continue to harass the local residents.

📯 In the famous restaurant “
“, which is located on Ivan Alekseev Street, constantly holds meetings of the senior staff of the Russian occupation troops and representatives of the occupation power structures of the city.

🦾 Guerrillas for the record.

🦾 Recall that earlier there was information that E. Balitsky strengthened the security by so-called “kadyrovtsy”.

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