Full name: Morozik Ulyana Sergeevna

Date of birth: 10.01.1981

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Kherson, 35 Mira str., bld. 72; 1 Fonvizina str;

DRFO: 2959503783


Passport: MR 285161

Driver’s license:


– Head of the Organizational and Methodological Sector of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the Kherson region;

– t.s. “an employee of the Kherson occupation police;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;




Married, no children.

“Politsay” and traitor in the “service” of the Russian occupants – Ulyana Sergeevna Morozik, was born on January 10, 1981 in the city of Kherson, Kherson region. Ulyana will spend most of her life in the city, from her service with the police to her betrayal.

After receiving an education, Ulyana Morozik decided to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Ulyana served in the organizational and methodological sector of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Main Directorate of National Police of Ukraine in the Kherson region, which she later became head of. Morozik was characterized mediocrely in her work, and in conversations with colleagues she often expressed pro-Russian views.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022 and Russian occupation forces entered Kherson, Ulyana Morozik betrayed Ukraine and defected to the enemy. The occupiers assigned her to “service” in the so-called “occupation police.” It is established that as a “policeman” Morozik actively participated in the crimes of the invaders against the civilian population of Kherson.

For her vile treason and “service” to the enemy, Ulyana Morozik faces a severe and irreversible punishment, which is approaching her every day.