Full name: Kozyur Vadim

Address: Ukraine,Lugansk


– a former employee of the Lysychansk subdivision of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Luhansk region;

– an employee of the operational department of the “LNR” Ministry of Emergency Situations;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants


Vadim Kozyur, an adherent of the “Russian world,” a traitor and collaborator, was born in the city of Lisichansk. He connected his career path with the civil service. He was an employee of the Lysychansk subdivision of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Luhansk region.

In 2014, together with the arrival of the occupants, the traitor Vadim Kozur imbued with the ideology of the liberators and began to incite local residents to believe the occupiers and their promises. He helped organize pro-Russian rallies in Lisichansk.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The collaborator apparently did his rotten job more than satisfactorily. For this, the occupation authorities offered Vadim a position in the “LNR” Ministry of Emergency Situations, to which the Ukrainophobe willingly agreed and now holds the position of member of the operational department of the “LNR” Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the collaborator has been providing assistance to Russian servicemen and other militants of illegally armed formations from the pseudo-republics.

Vadim Kozyur faces an inevitable and just punishment for his treachery and complicity with the Russian invaders, which will soon catch up with him.