Full name: Vadim Dmitrievich Utenkov

Date of birth: 02.08.1969

Passport: CB090094

INN: 25416119911

Address: 71703, Zaporozhye region, Tokmak city,

ul. 507 Volodarskogo St.

Cell phone: +380681791526

Position: Officer of the “people’s militia.


Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Vadim Dmitrovich Utenkov was born on August 2, 1969. From 1976 to 1984 he studied at School 3 in Tokmak. From 1984 to 1987, he studied at the Tokmak Vocational School (21 vocational schools). From 1994 to 2007, he worked as a policeman, and in 2009, he worked as a security guard in the private enterprise “Okhrana-Redut. Served in military units of VP PP 74514 Rocket Division 4 and VP/PP 44249.

He has pro-Russian views. He helped the invaders, provided housing for Russian soldiers, held fundraisers to support the Russians. Military. Together with the occupation law enforcement agencies raided pro-Ukrainian locals, the reason could have been that the resident spoke Ukrainian.

Conducted active anti-Ukrainian propaganda. In particular, he urged people not to pay for consumed Ukrainian electricity. He turned in people who help the AFU and support Ukraine. I was very happy when the AFU military and the peaceful, patriotic population were killed.