Full name: Vadim Borisovich Veter

Date of birth: November 12, 1967

Place of birth: Zaporozhye Region, Tokmak District, Tokmak City

Places of residence:

Zaporozhye region, Tokmak district, Tokmak, October Revolution Street 49, building B;

Zaporizhzhya region, Tokmak district, Tokmak, Revolutsionnaya street 49, sq. 3;

Zaporozhye region, Tokmak district, Tokmak, Volodarskogo street 313;

Zaporozhye region, Tokmak district, Tokmak city, Vasily Vyshyvannogo street, 317;

Zaporozhye region, Tokmak district, Tokmak, Vasily Vyshivanyogo street, 304/2

Military rank: Colonel

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: СА033948, СА032948

Identification number: 2478716054

Driver’s license: JTA241990

Personal transportation:

VAZ 21099 of black color, license plate: AP7206AS

Nissan X- Trail

Ford Transit white, license plate: AO0939VA

Mobile numbers: +380976994699, +380676125464, +380978581520

Email address: [email protected]

Occupation: voluntarily defected to the side of the occupant, contributed to the occupation of Tokmak

The Political Way:

2015 – candidate in the local elections of Tokmak council from the political party “opzj”.

Labor Path:

2007 – Military Commissar, Lieutenant Colonel;

2015 – Military Commissar of the Tokmak Regional Military Commissariat;


  • Military Commissar of the Primorsky Integrated District Commissariat – Primorsky Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support;
  • co-founder of the public organization of combat participants “Spilka”;
  • a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • a member of the armed forces of the russian federation;
  • military commandant of the Tokmak District Military Commissariat of the Operational Command “Vostok”;
  • He was the acting mayor of Tokmak from the occupation administration of the Russian Federation.

Collaborationist activities:

Took all possible measures to weaken the defense of the city. Using his experience and authority as a former military commissar and officer, he gave certified incorrect instructions to the local administration during the construction of the fortifications.

He defected to the side of the occupant, helping the Russian Federation troops to lay routes for enemy equipment on the territory of the Polohovsky District.

Together with the occupation troops, he raids places of residence of ATO/OSS participants. Gives the occupiers addresses of the pro-Ukrainian population. Together with the occupation troops, he cleared the city.

Passes the location of equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the occupants.