Full name: Zhivlyuk Vadim Leonidovich

Date of birth:

Place of birth: Lugansk

Places of residence:

г. Lugansk

  • ul. 30 years of Victory, 1, building A, sq. 57;
  • Sunny Quarter, 25, sq. 52

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: EK110472

Identification number: 2492300193

Driver’s license: BBB19861, АІА383839

Mobile numbers: +380502957498, +380721574763

occupation: head of the united territorial community of Shchastye. Schastie

Labor Activities:

2011 – Director of Lugansk Road Repair and Construction Department;

2013 – Head of the Shchastya City Council;

2010-2014– mayor of Schastie;

2019 – Head of the Artemovsky District Population Relations Department t.n. administration of the city of Lugansk;

2020 – Assistant Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of the so-called “LNR;

2022 – head of the administration of the city of Schastie.

Collaborationist activities:

He defected to the occupier at the height of the war in eastern Ukraine in 2014, at which time he resigned as mayor of Shchastia. Soon after his resignation, he left for Saratov, Russia, for temporary residence, where he received Russian citizenship.

With the outbreak of large-scale war, he took the post of head of the United Territorial Community of Shchastye, where he continued to cooperate with the occupying forces. The war was waged on a large scale, and he became head of the United Territorial Community of Schastie, where he continued to cooperate with the occupying forces.

Provides the aggressor with places to deploy personnel and weapons. It recruits the local population through “specially trained people” to join the ranks of the so called. of the people’s militia of the LNR.

He supports the start of hostilities, wants the Russian Federation to finally recapture Donetsk and Luhansk regions and establish its own government there. He assures us that after 8 years of war people in Donbass have finally changed their opinion about Ukraine, they are convinced that no one needs them, and that living as part of the Russian Federation is even better, because no one infringes on the Russian-speaking population.