Full name: Gladkova Valentina Mikhailovna

Address of residence: Ukraine, Starobelsk, Lugansk region



– former director of the day care center;

– deputy head of the administration of Belovodskiy district of the LNR ;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator


Gladkova Valentina Mikhailovna – born in Starobelsky district of Gorlovka, Luhansk region, Donetsk region. She has a higher pedagogical education. For a long time she worked as director of a preschool in Starobelsk.

The woman was also a deputy of the city council from the political party “Servant of the People. Valentina Gladkova actively participated in public life of the city and allegedly supported Ukraine, but after February 24, 2022 Valentina Mikhailovna political views have changed to the enemy side.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The arrival of the Russian occupation authorities in the Luhansk region helped the traitor Gladkova to “promote her career. Valentina began working closely with the occupiers after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation began.

In April 2022, the collaborator joined the occupation structures of the Russian Federation operating on the territory of occupied Starobelsk and was appointed deputy head of the administration of the Bilovodskyi district of the LNR.

The collaborator is also an activist of occupation organizations. The traitor heads the pro-Russian public organization “LNRWomen’s Council.

Now the state traitor Valentina Gladkova provides direct assistance to the occupation structures and willingly performs organizational and administrative functions in the Belovodsk district of the “LNR.

For such traitors as Valentina Mikhailovna, capital punishment must be applied for treason and complicity with the Russian occupiers, and it will surely come. It’s only a matter of time.