Full name: Mamay Valentina Ivanovna

Date of birth: 10.05.1962

Place of birth: Sumy region, Sumy district, Sklyarevka village

Address: Zaporozhye region, city of Berdyansk, street Ordzhonikidze 91, a quarter of 80.

DRFO code: 2277517709

Driver’s license: JTA031341 – 25.05.1994 – B

Phone: +380662302830, +380506543739

INN: 2277517709

Passport: 118782628 (131054444)



– entrepreneur and leader of the Berdyansk Animal Protection Service NGO.


Mamai Valentina Ivanovna – born May 10, 1962, was born in the village Sklyarevka Sumy region. After the full-scale Russian invasion, she voluntarily offered her assistance to the enemy in informing about the addresses of persons who could resist the occupation authorities and participated in the ATO.

Since the end of February of this year to the present, she has been voluntarily writing and transmitting agent reports to FSB officers, meeting with them in person in the premises of the City Council building and other public places and reporting information.

Mamai also showed the Russian Armed Forces soldiers advantageous positions for placing equipment to fire on Ukrainian territory.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

First Valentina admitted in a propaganda video that she considered Tver to be Berdyansk’s twin city and cooperated with Russian officials, and then she joined the “public chamber under the head of the employment administration” of Berdyansk.

Valentina Mamay remains an entrepreneur and head of the Berdyansk Service for the Protection of Animals NGO. In recent years, they have regularly won tenders and provided the community with their sterilization services for homeless animals.

She has repeatedly been a deputy of the City Council, including the convocation of the now-banned “Opposition Bloc” party the year before last.

Sooner or later Valentina Mamay will be punished for her deeds before the Ukrainian people!