Full name: Litvinov Valery Valeryevich

Date of birth: February 20, 1964

Place of birth: Pervomayskoye village, Berislavsky district, Kherson region

Place of residence: Kherson region, the city of Kherson; (Oleshkovsky district, the village of Krynki)


– 1990 – Odessa Special Police Secondary School

– 1997 – National Academy of Internal Affairs

Specialty: jurisprudence

Academic degree: PhD in law

Rank: Major General of Militia

DRFO code: 2342620551

Mobile number: +380505588888

occupation: deputy of the Kherson regional council from the party “bloc vladimir saldo”, voluntarily went to cooperate with the aggressor.

The Political Way:

2002 – Kherson City Council of the 4th convocation;

2015 – Kherson Regional Council of the 7th convocation, political party “socialists”;

2020 – Kherson Regional Council of the 8th Convocation from the “bloc vladimir saldo” party


Service in the internal affairs bodies:

1984 – Militiaman of the formation department of the state budget militia of the Bereslavsky district;

March 1990 – district police inspector;

April 1991 – Senior Inspector of the group of inquiry, detective officer of the Criminal Investigation Department, senior detective officer of the Criminal Investigation Department;

1993 – Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department;

Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Berislavsky District Department of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in the Kherson region;

April 1996 – First Deputy Head of the Berislavsk District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

1998 – Head of the Novokakhovsky City Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

2000 – Suvorovsky District Department of the Kherson City Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

2001 – Kherson City Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

December 2002 – March 2003 – First Deputy Head of the Yalta City Administration – Head of the criminal police of the Main Department of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine in the AR of Crimea;

March 2003 – September 2003 – Deputy Head of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the AR of Crimea – Head of the Yalta City Department;

20032005 – Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region;

Worked in the Odessa police on the southern railroad in the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on Transport, in the Department of Operational Service, Department of Criminal Investigation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;

He headed the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kherson region;

June 2007 – Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

  • “Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine;
  • “Cross of Glory;
  • “For Distinction in Service” II and I degrees;
  • “Law and Honor;
  • “Firearms;
  • “For faithful service” of three degrees;
  • “Knight of the Law.

Activities on the side of the occupier:

Valery Valerievich is the kind of general one wants to remember, talk about, and never make an example of.

Being already a “big” and influential man in the structure of internal affairs, this man managed to pull off many shady deals and continued to “successfully” fight crime. So it happened that more often than not, heading the crime and at the same time covering himself with an officer’s uniform with a lot of bright and flashy awards and decorations.

Valery’s classic general schemes are gambling, drug trafficking, placing his people in key positions so-called “cronyism” in order to gain even more advantage and free entrance to “closed doors“.

To say that Valery was pro-Russian is not quite right, he knew how to play on situations and at the right time put on a suitable mask. Valery’s only weakness was and remains money, which ruined him and his “brilliant career as a police officer.

Privatization and sale of official apartments, coverage of gambling business, embezzlement of public funds, dispersal of protesters “Euromaidan” by force – such Valery Valerievich remembered by everyone who dealt with him in broad circles.

But in today’s situation, when the Russian federation began its aggressive actions against our country, Valery was able to make probably a “grave decision” and defected to the side of the occupant. He betrayed officers’ principles and standards and began assisting the occupation troops with like-minded traitors like himself, and in some places even worse.

He is now in the business of securing critical infrastructure. Moreover, the guards of the leaders of the “pseudo-power” are preparing for the upcoming so-called “referendum” and are helping the occupation authorities to build an obedient and non-initiative population.