Full name: Rykov Valery Grigorievich

Date of birth: 16.07.1962

Place of registration: Kaluga Oblast, n.p. Shaykovka, 9, sq.7.

Occupation: war criminal, terrorist, commander of TU-22M3 RF-94142 in the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment


– passport: series 2906 184593

– TIN: 402302296729

– As of 2022, owned a “VW Touareg” H747MR40


Phone: +79109107322

Son: Rykov Alexander Valeryevich, born on November 1, 1985.

at the address: Kaluga region, n.p. Shaikovka, 9, sq.7, actually resides: Ryazan, Belyakov street, 2a, sq.91.

Passport: 2905 116628

Phone: +79105061571


Son’s wife: Rykova Yulia Viktorovna, born on January 16, 1985.

Registered at: Ryazan, Belyakov street, 2a, sq.91.

Passport: 6118 096725

Phone: +79156201919

Email: [email protected].

The information about war criminals is taken from an investigation by the OSINT community:

Terrorist Activities:

Lieutenant Colonel Rykov Valery Grigorievich was born July 16, 1962. in Shaykovka, Kaluga Oblast.

Valery Rykov is a Russian serviceman who probably fired a missile at a residential building in the city of Dnepr on January 14. According to our data, the missile was launched from TU-22M3 aircraft RF-94142, tail number 42 “red”. The commander of this board is Lieutenant Colonel Valery Rykov. He was probably also the pilot of the said plane when launching the missile at the city of Dnepr.

Valery Grigorievich is a killer from the aviation bomber regiment of the 22nd Division of Long Range Aviation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (v/h 33310).

In addition to the shelling of Ukraine, Valery also bore the burden of bombing the local population of Syria. Now Rykov continues his terrorist activities.

Pilots of this regiment now use the skills they learned under Rikov’s leadership in terrorist strikes against critical infrastructure and civilian objects in Ukraine. Their most famous “targets” are the Amstor shopping mall in Kremenchug and a multi-story residential building in Dnepr.