Full name: Parkhomenko Vasily Mikhailovich

Date of birth: 22.10.1947

Place of birth: Ukraine, Mykolayiv region, the city of Ochakov.

Address: Ukraine, Sevastopol, street Kesareva 7, kv. 4;

Ukraine, Sevastopol, Admiral Yumashev Street 18, sq. 32.

INN: 920157721456


– deputy of the Sevastopol City Council.

Collaborationist activities:

Traitor Parkhomenko Vasily Mikhaylovich was born on October 22, 1947 in the city of Ochakov, which is located in the Nikolaev region. He graduated from the Sevastopol Institute of Instrument Engineering as an electrical engineer, and in 1985 he graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Worked in engineering and management positions in the design and construction organizations of Sevastopol.

Vasily passed all stages of party work: an instructor, head of the industrial and transport department, second and then first secretary of the Leninsky District Party Committee in Sevastopol.

However, Parkhomenko became more and more imbued with Communist ideologies over the course of his Party work. Since 1989, he was repeatedly elected deputy of the Sevastopol City Council. From 1998 to 2002 he was elected Chairman, and from 2002 to 2006 Deputy Chairman of the Sevastopol City Council.

Since October 9, 2014, Parkhomenko was nominated by the President of the Russian Federation for the position of Governor of Sevastopol. However, not a single vote was cast for his candidacy.

Vasily Mikhailovich is married and has two children. The eldest son is Mikhail Parkhomenko, who is now outside the borders of Russia and is evading mobilization.