Full name: Boev Victor Alexandrovich

Date of birth: 08.09.1962

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genicheskiy district, Chervonoye village, Melitopolskaya street, 15;

DRFO: 2289622032

Phone: +380674765033;


[email protected]

MO 673540; KG 662280;


– the elder of the Chervon elder district of the city of Genichesk;

– t.s. “the elder of the Chervon District of the occupation administration of Genichesk;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;


He is not married and has no children.

The headman who betrayed his people – Viktor Alexandrovich Boev, was born September 8, 1962 in the village of Semihatka, Henichesk district of Kherson region. During his school years, Vitya always tried to be the first, though at the expense of humiliating others.

Over time, he got that opportunity – the residents of the village of Chervonoye chose him to be the head of their headman’s district. In his position, he did not defend the interests of the residents in any way, because for Victor the main thing is “power and money.

After the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and the temporary occupation of Chervonyi, instead of organizing resistance, Viktor Boev goes over to the side of the Russian invaders and aids the occupiers in providing food and housing for enemy soldiers in the village.

By betraying the residents of Chervonyi and the country, Viktor Boev has forever deprived himself of peace and he will surely be punished for his despicable crime against the people of Ukraine.