Full name: Chudak Victor Valeryevich

Date of birth: January 20, 1988

Passport: ME590240

INN: 3216112998

Address: Zaporozhye region, Kamianko-Dneprovsky district , с. Bolshaya Znamenka, Tsentralnaya St. 212.

Mob. tel: +380663706826

Car: Nissan Teana, 2008, #AR3233EI

Position: Head of the Kamenka-Dniprovsky District Police Department.


Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Traitor Chudak Victor Valerievich was born on January 20, 1988. He received his education at a branch of EUFIB (European University of Finance, Information Systems, Management and Business).

He is on the SSU list of traitors. Since the full-scale invasion he has supported the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, voluntarily and on his own initiative he agreed to work with the occupation authorities and has been closely cooperating with them since the first days of the war.

By order of the occupants, he suppressed resistance and intimidated the inhabitants of the temporarily occupied territories. For this purpose he used repressive methods, mass persecution and detention of citizens on far-fetched pretexts. The collaborator illegally entered the homes of local residents who had left for Ukrainian-controlled territory.

There he conducted “searches,” after which money, appliances, and other personal items of the owners disappeared from their homes. He also imposed “tribute” on local businessmen and farm managers. The occupant demanded money for the opportunity to conduct commercial activities. He turned in people who help the AFU and have pro-Ukrainian views.

For betraying Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, Victor Valeryevich Chudak will be severely punished!