
Full Name:
Victoria Viktoria Viktorovna Gurina

Date of birth:
1994 Year of birth.

Ukraine,Kherson region, Golaya Prystan town


– a member of the occupation security forces;

– head of the personnel department in Golopristan penal colony;

– a traitor, a collaborator.


The state traitor “in the service of Russian occupants”, who betrayed Ukraine and all its legal norms – Gurina Victoria Viktorovna was born in 1994 in Kherson region, namely in the city of Golaya Prystan. Before the war, she worked as a clerk at the local market.

With the arrival of the Russians, Gurina decided to “change” her life, believed in the “Russian world” and on her own initiative expressed her desire to cooperate with the occupation administration and decided to take a job under the illegally operating authority in Ukraine – “theMinistry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Kherson region“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the traitor Gurina voluntarily went into the service of the Russian occupiers.

At present, the collaborator works in correctional colony No. 7 in Golaya Prystan, a Rashist body, now subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Justice, which controls and supervises prisoners in places of detention and escorts them.

For her “service and loyalty” to the occupiers, the state treasonist Gurina was promoted and holds the pseudo position of “head of department”.

As a personnel officer, Victoria passed all available information on former colleagues and police officers to the occupying forces. She made calls to former employees and offered to switch to the side of the occupier, because among the “friends” of the collaborator there were many representatives of the Rashist authorities and gauleiters.

Viktoriya Viktorovna Gurina, an employee of the illegal punitive body in the temporarily occupied part of Kherson region, will have to answer to the Ukrainian court for violating the law of Ukraine and aiding and abetting the occupants. After all, punishment for her would be inevitable.