Full name: Kaidalova Victoria Viktorovna

Date of birth: November 9, 1990

Place of birth:
Luhansk region, Novopskovsky district, Osinovo village

Places of residence:

73 Slobozhanskaya Street, Osinovo village, Novopskovsky district, Lugansk region;

73 Lenina Street, Osinovo village, Novopskovsky district, Lugansk region.

Education: Novopskov Gazoprovodskoe comprehensive school

Higher education: Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Identification number: 3318513823

Mobile numbers: +380999761149, +380722233382

Occupation: t.n. deputy head of the Novopskov district administration of the LNR;


Labor Path:

2018 – Specialist Land Surveyor in the Land Resources Department of Novopskov Podolskiy Council;

2022 – deputy head of the Novopskov district administration of the LNR;

2022 – Specialist Land Surveyor of Novopskov village council of Starobelsky district.

For a long period of time it cooperates with the occupation troops, supports integration processes regarding the further incorporation of the so-called “so called”. “Lnr” into the russian Federation. Actively cooperates with representatives of the legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

Repeatedly participated in meetings and events to “build bridges” with representatives of the Voronezh regional administration to ensure and operate certain areas of the “LNR ” in proper condition with all the human benefits.

Supports Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine and is convinced that the current war is the result of Ukraine’s destructive policies.