
Full name: Sokolova Victoria Alexandrovna

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Vasilyevsky district, Mikhailovka settlement.


– pseudo-activist from “We are together with Russia” at the pseudo-elections in Vasilyevsky district;

– abettor of “Putin’s regime” on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region


The accomplice of the Rashists in Ukraine, lover of “Putin” and Z-patriot – Sokolova Victoria Alexandrovna. He lives in Mikhailovka settlement of Vasilievsky district of Zaporizhzhya region. There is no official data on Sokolova’s employment, but the fact remains that when full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, Victoria became one of the first residents of the above-mentioned settlement, who voluntarily, together with her family – a cohort of traitors, went over to the side of the occupants. After all, they have been waiting for Russia to come for many years.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

A resident of Mikhaylovka settlement went to cooperate with the occupants, propagandizes “Russian peace” and supports Putin‘s occupation policy. Collaborator Sokolova induces the local population to obtain a Russian passport. I already got it myself.

The traitor then began organizing humanitarian aid for the enemy and helped not only with food, but also with other supplies in the form of humanitarian aid for Russian terrorists.

With each passing day, Z-patriotSotnikova a became more and more excited about the “coming of Russia” and tried to “prove” herself in social and political activities. In anticipation of the Rashist elections in September 2023, the corrupt collaborator went to the Rashist party “we-along-with-russia” and agitated local residents to vote for her. She delivered humanitarian aid and handed out leaflets “for Russia”. Her traitor husband works for the Russian version of the police.

But pseudo-activist Sokolova can’t hide from the law. The accomplice of the “Russian world” will have to answer for her support of the occupation troops, as well as for spreading pro-Russian sentiments and anti-Ukrainian activities. For supporting an army of Russian murderers andfor treason in all its forms. All those involved in collaborationist activities will be criminally punished. Time’s up.