Full name: Vlasenkova Victoria Anatolievna

Date of birth: July 24, 1971

Passport: BB 082397

INN: 2604912380

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Priazovskaya str. 5, kv.34.

Phone: +380984033628


– Director of the “House of Children’s and Youth Creativity of the Kalmius district of Mariupol.

– An employee of the “Ministry of Culture of the DPR” under the occupation administration;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.


Collaborator Vlasenkova Victoria Anatolievna was born on July 24, 1971, in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. I have worked in education all my life. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and studied to be an elementary school teacher.

The woman is also a member of many trade union organizations in the city of Mariupol. She was a member of the creative association of cultural workers in the city of Mariupol.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Before the war, Vlasenkova was a member of the culture, youth and sports department in the Mariupol State Administration. With the invasion of the Russian invaders in February 2022, Vlasenkova “proved herself” as an accomplice and collaborator in order to obtain a position in the occupation administration.

After February 24, 2022, the traitor was appointed to the position of an employee of the “department of culture of the dnr,” and, soon to be considered by the occupation authorities as head of the education department of the “dnr.”

In her new “position”, the collaborator was actively engaged in “cultural work” among civilians and young people, for example, organizing the so-called “cultural work”. “rally-concerts” in support of the occupiers. The traitor was also engaged in “brainwashing” Ukrainian children with Russian propaganda.

He is the organizer of many cultural events, which were held under the motto of “Russian peace”. Organized a Russian aquafresh festival. Participated in the organization and holding of the pseudo-referendum. Demonstrated her folk creativity and love for Russia with Russian patriotic songs.

The traitor Vlasenkova Victoria Anatolyevna is a traitor to the motherland and a despicable collaborator, for which she will soon have to answer both before the law and before the people of Ukraine.