Full name: Chernokal Victoria Vladimirovna

Date of birth: 03.04.1987

TIN: 3186900707

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kherson region, Novaya Zburyevka village.

Address of residence: Ukraine, Kherson region, Novaya Zburyevka, Karl Marx str. 33.


  • called for local residents to take part in the referendum.

Cell phone:+380505098140


Collaborationist activities:

Chernokal Victoria Vladimirovna was born April 3, 1983 in the village of New Zburyevka in the Kherson region.

After the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Viktoria Vladimirovna supported the policy of the occupation authorities and herself went over to the side of the enemy.

Publicly urged the inhabitants of the aforementioned native village to participate in a pseudo-referendum in the occupied territories. She voluntarily received a Russian passport.

After the de-occupation of the Kherson region, Chernokal Victoria will go to prison under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for treason against her country.