Full name: Lebedev Vitaly Vyacheslavovich

Date of birth: August 16, 1978

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Primorsky district, Banovka village, 17, Gorky str;

PHO: 2871709478

Passport: SA 015433

Phone: +380668640964, +380995410012, +380681688310, +380505289206;


– an employee of the Primorsky Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhya region;

– t.s. “an employee of the Seaside Occupation Police;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;





Married, with an adult son.

His son is Oleg Vitalievich Lebedev, born in 2004.

Her mother is Tatyana Lebedeva (Bondarenko).

Father – Vyacheslav Lebedev, born on April 12, 1956.

Traitor, fisherman and “policeman” in one person – Lebedev Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, was born on August 16, 1978 in the city of Zaporozhye, Zaporozhye region. But Vitaly lived most of his life in the Primorsky District, specifically in the village of Banovka.

In Banovka, Lebedev was known not only as a skilled fisherman, but also as a police officer. He served in the Primorsky Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhya region. His characteristic was mediocre in the service, but he had not been observed to have any major disciplinary violations. Unfortunately, Vitaly turned out to be far from the good-natured policeman and fisherman that the residents of Primorsky District knew him to be.

After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the entry of Russian occupation forces into the Primorsky district, Vitaly Lebedev violated his oath and defected to the side of the enemy. The invaders agreed to accept Lebedev for “service” in the so-called The “occupation police” of Primorsk. It was found that in the composition of the so called. “Vitaly was directly involved in the terror and abuse of civilians in Primorsk.

Vitaly Lebedev faces harsh retribution for his sordid treason, which is approaching with each passing day.