
Full name: Vitaly Viktorovich Maiboroda

Date of birth: 07.07.1954

Place of birth: rf, Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka. Nakhodka

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region g. Tokmak, ul. Krasnaya 41

INN: 1991111559


– a member of the “electoral commission” at the pseudo-referendum;

– an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

– an accomplice of the “September pseudo-elections


Mayboroda Vitaly Viktorovich – an accomplice of Russian occupants and traitor to the Motherland was born on the territory of Russia, Primorsky Krai, Nakhodka. All his life he lived and worked in Ukraine, but in the end he cruelly betrayed the country.

Worked in large industrial enterprises. Before the war, the pensioner repeatedly participated in the electoral process in local elections in the city as a member of precinct election commissions, and was a member of the election headquarters.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine, Vitaliy Viktorovich truly showed his pro-Russian position as a collaborator and abettor of the Rashists.

In September 2022, my grandfather was directly involved in the processes of the pseudo-referendum in the city of Melitopol. Engaged in campaign activities and encouraged local residents to come to an illegal referendum.

A collaborator supports the russian army. In addition, the pensioner-traitor is one of the accomplices of the “elections” that the Rashists have planned to hold in September 2023 in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. He speaks in support of the “united Russia” party.

But for betrayal of the Motherland and “service” of interests of occupants, the accomplice of Russian invaders Mayboroda Vitaly Viktorovich will be justly punished before the tribunal. The collaborator will soon be held accountable for all his crimes against the people of Ukraine.