Full name: Vladimir Ivanovich Baranov

Date of birth: 15.10.1946

Place of birth: Zaporozhye region, Ukraine

Address of residence: Zaporizhzhya region, Velikobilozersk district, Bol’shaya Belozerka village (part 1 of the village), 353 Tsentralnaya str.

INN: 1708904854

Passport: 1708904854 (СА215937 by the Velikoblozersk District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhya region on November 20, 1996)

Driver’s license: AAS303790 – April 20, 1977 – B

Position: Deputy of the village of Bolshaya Belozerka

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Baranov Vladimir Ivanovich, born 10/15/1946 in Zaporozhye. During the temporary occupation of the village of Bolshaya Belozerka, the MP voluntarily agreed to the occupiers’ offer to assist in combat operations against the AFU.

Vladimir used the resources of a local agricultural enterprise he managed to help the Nazis with food, loaned them his own vehicle, and provided the enemy’s equipment with fuel and lubricants.

Baranov also provided portable wooden structures with which the Russian military reinforced the roadblock for further use in combat operations against the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Vladimir Baranov, deputy of Velikobilozersk village council of Vasilyevsky district, was informed about suspicion of cooperation (part 7 of article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

SBU operatives detained the traitor when he was on his way to Zaporizhzhia for treatment.

Baranov was selected a measure of restraint in the form of detention. He faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.