Full name: Vladimir Sergeevich Leonov

Date of birth: May 06, 1981

Address: Ukraine, Kharkov region, Kharkov, Nauky avenue, 64A, sq. 20; Chobotarskaya str. 37/39, sq. 3; Volchansk;

PHO: 2971121795

Passport: MK 795388

Phone: +380933062161, +380572525093, +380975170483, +380574143482;

Driver’s license: CAA235425


– Deputy Head of the Volchansk Main Directorate of the State National Police of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region, Senior Lieutenant of Police;

– t.s. “Deputy Chief of the Volchansk Occupation Police;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;



Married, with an adult daughter.

The sister is Natalia Leonova.

Daughter – Ekaterina Leonova, 16.04.2003g.

“Politsay” in the service of the enemy – Vladimir Sergeevich Leonov, born May 6, 1981 in the city of Kharkov, Kharkov region. While still a schoolboy, Vladimir decided that he wanted to serve in the police force and be useful to people.

Leonov was firmly on his way to his goal, entered a specialized university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and bragged about his photos with his fellow officers. His family life did not stand still either – he got married and his wife gave birth to his daughter Katya. After graduating from the node, Vladimir could not find a job in Kharkov and moved to Volchansk. There, Leonov was expecting a rapid career development – as a senior lieutenant, he served as deputy chief of the Volchansk police.

Unfortunately, Vladimir Leonov was not who he said he was. After the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, and the entry of Russian occupation forces into Volchansk, Leonov broke his oath and went over to the side of the enemy. The invaders decided to keep Vladimir in his “position” and appointed a “deputy chief” of the so-called “Volchansk Occupation Police. It was established that Leonov was directly involved in the terrorizing of civilians in Volchansk by the so called. “occupation authorities.” This is how Vladimir turned from a promising employee into a sneaky “policeman.

For his heinous treason Vladimir Leonov will bear a just punishment, which is approaching him every day.