Предатель Леонтьев


Full name: Leontiev Vladimir Pavlovich

Date of birth: 22.01.1964

Place of birth: RSFSR, Rostov Region

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Kahovsky district, Kahovka, Faina Gaenko str. 15, sq.16

PHO: 2339718939

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: ME 209841, VA016057

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad: FB445105

Driver’s license: AAB171381

Phones: +380680036812, +380991356176, +380444684340, +380503963833, +380504200000, +380680034439, +380957057689, +380984923161, +79900131702, +79900131701

Email: [email protected]

Cars: AA1828HN FORD F 150 2016, AA2251MO MERCEDES-BENZ S 500L 2014, BT2584SR VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 2018.

Real estate: according to reliable information, the collaborator owns an apartment in Kiev on the prestigious Podol with an area of 120 square meters, an apartment in Turkey and a house in Kakhovka, but officially only two plots in the Kiev region are registered to a man with the surname Leontiev.


– head of the occupation administration of the cities of Kakhovka and Nova Kakhovka;

– director of UNIFER SMART RAIN TOV;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants.


Traitor and traitor to the state – Vladimir Leontiev was born on January 22, 1964 in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. He has Ukrainian citizenship and registration in Kiev.

Vladimir Leontiev retired with the rank of captain from the post of deputy political officer of one of the units of the state testing cosmodrome Baikonur. Then I moved to Ukraine and worked at several enterprises there.

Leontiev was associated with two firms in Donetsk, NIKA-AUTO and GRATA-2006, as well as the company NC KOTTAGE 2007 from Novaya Kakhovka. All of them have already ceased their activities.

The traitor Leontiev held top positions in the “Chumak” company and dealt with financial issues there. They say he was fired because he set up an underground shop producing counterfeit ketchup and Chumak sunflower oil in Donetsk. Apparently, this is why firms with local registration were created.

Most likely, the same story happened with the property of the Novokakhovsky building materials factory, which Leontiev allegedly embezzled while he was in charge. But there were no legal proceedings – probably the company management did not want the publicity.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The Gauleiter of Kakhovka, appointed by the Russian occupants from the so-called “Rosgvardia,” received his post illegally and only because he collaborated with the occupants from the first days of the full-scale invasion.

From the beginning of his activity as a servant of the Russian occupiers, Gauleiter Leontiev additionally distinguished himself by the scandal with the journalist of the Ukrainian publication Novyi Den ‘. Oleg Baturin, who was kidnapped by the local occupation authorities in order to “punish” him for his pro-Ukrainian stance. As a result, we know that Baturin was released after eight days of torture with broken ribs and a concussion.

Thus the traitor and criminal Vladimir Leontiev will certainly be court-martialed and fairly punished for his treason, aggravated by cruel treatment of civilians in the occupied territory and violations of the laws and customs of war.