Full name: Vladimir Semyonovich Marchenko

Date of birth: June 1, 1969

Address: Ukraine, Lisichansk, quart. Molodezhny, 7, sq. 224


– a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council from the “Party of Regions;

– sponsor of the terrorist organizations of the LNR;

-participant of a pseudo-referendum, traitor, collaborator

Vladimir Semyonovich Marchenko, an adherent oftheRussian world,” a traitor and collaborator, was born in the village of Sharapovka, Belokuraka district, Lugansk region.

Vladimir Marchenko was a deputy of the city council of Lysychansk from the “Party of Regions” and also served as deputy mayor of Lysychansk.

As a representative of the local government in the city of Lysychansk, traitor Vladimir Marchenko has never been shy about his pro-Russian accents in politics. As deputy head of the Lysychansk city administration, Marchenko has always tried to bring his city closer to “Russian standards.

Collaborationist activities:

In 2014, after the arrival of the Russian occupiers, the traitor Marchenko still “realized his dream” and, as the last corrupt skin, went over to the side of the enemy and began working for the pseudo-power of the “Luhansk people’s republic.

The occupier’s accomplice began actively financing the “development of the Luhansk people’s republic” and used his profits to finance the LNR terrorist groups.

Collaborator Vladimir Marchenko participated in the financing of the Russian terrorist organization “militia of Lisichansk”. The Russian government has also contributed to the activities of the terrorist group “Mozgovogo’s militia.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, the traitor Vladimir Marchenko supported the policy of the occupation troops and was involved in the organization of apseudo-referendumin the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine in August 2022.

Such rare scoundrels as Vladimir Semyonovich Marchenko belong only under the tribunal, where the collaborator will suffer a fair punishment.