Full name: Skudar Vladimir Georgievich

Date of birth: 06.01.1970

Address: Ukraine, Sartana, Donetsk region, 1 May street, 55B.

INN: 2557405170

Phone: +380984400804


– the head of the township council;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.

Traitor Skudar Vladimir Georgievich was born on January 6, 1970 in the township of Sartana, Kalmius district council of Mariupol, Donetsk region.

He was a deputy of the Mariupol District Council. He served as director of the Mariupol Vocational Agrarian Lyceum.

Vladimir Skudar is also an individual entrepreneur. Since 2009, the company is engaged in the provision and operation of its own or leased real estate.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, MP Vladimir Georgievich began to actively manifest his pro-Russian stance. Already in March 2022, the collaborator began assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the town of Sartana.

Traitor Skudar was the organizer of several separatist movements, where he called to support the arrival of the “liberators. Vladimir Georgievich also supplied the Russian Armed Forces with various humanitarian aid, including accommodation for the occupants.

Later, deputy Volodymyr Skudar was appointed chairman of the Illichivsk district administration in Mariupol under the occupation authorities.

For aiding and abetting the enemy collaborator Skudar V.G. punishment and imminent punishment await. Soon a collaborator will answer for betraying his homeland and aiding the enemy on all his merits.