
Full Name:
Vladimir Yurievich Vysotsky

Date of Birth:

Address:Donetsk People’s Republic


– an enabler of Putin’s regime;

– representative of the occupation administration of “Dnr”;

– so called member of the “central election commission of the dnr”;

Chairman of the Election Commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic 2023 г.


Vladimir Yurievich Vysotsky – Putin’s accomplice on the territory of Ukraine, pseudo official under Russian occupants – Vladimir Yurievich Vysotsky was born on April 07, 1985 in the village of Lekarnoye (Crimea). Higher education.

After the invasion of the Russian occupation troops in the East of Ukraine, Vladimir Vysotsky defected to the side of the enemy, took part in an illegal referendum and decided to build his political career under the Rashists in the created “Donetsk People’s Republic“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Vysotsky is an employee of the occupation structures in the “Dnr” and a supporter of the so-called head of Pushilin. After the “annexation” to the russian Federation in September 2014, the collaborator was nominated as a candidate for deputy to the Novoselkovsky village council from the russian political party “ldpr“. On 7.09.2018, he was elected a member of the Central Election Commission of the DnR by the quota of thePeople’s Council ofthe DnR.

Vladimir was also a member of the District Election Commission of the single-mandate electoral district of Novoselovsky Village Council during the illegal referendum on the territory of Luhansk region in September 2022.

Vysotsky’s “good cooperation” with the occupation authorities was the reason for political growth in the “dnr” for the traitor. After all, Vladimir Yurievich directly cooperated with the accomplices of the “Putin regime“.

In 2014, the collaborator took part in the pseudo-referendum as a member of the “election commission” and ensured the organization and order of the “electoral process”.

In 2023, before the September elections panned by the Rashists, Vladimir Vysotsky was elected head of the Donetsk election commission. The collaborator was repeatedly noted by the occupation authorities “for his special attitude to the republic and assistance to the election commission of the Dnr”.

Vladimir Vysotsky, a collaborator of the “Putin regime“, will have to answer to the law for supporting the occupation troops and spreading pro-Russian sentiments. By contributing to the terrorist activities of rf in Ukraine, the collaborator cruelly betrayed his people and for this he will be justly punished. There will be no forgiveness for such state treason.