Minchenkov Yakov Vasilyevich – a former serviceman of the AFU, and now a traitor to Ukraine, was born February 13, 1985 in the village of Stanytsia Luganska.
Yakov Vasilyevich decided to build his career in public service. He served as an inspector in the Sverdlovsk Border Guard Department of the Lugansk Border Guard Detachment of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Took part in the anti-terrorist operation.
Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:
In his service, the traitor Yakov Vasilyevich did not conceal glimpses of his pro-Russian views. The traitor also has many friends who serve in the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.
With the beginning of the illegal invasion of the Russian occupants, the war criminal Minchenkov went over to the side of the enemy and became a servant of the security forces of the “LNRborder guard service. He served as district deputy chief of border control at the Stanytsia Luhanska border outpost.
An accomplice of the Russian occupiers is also a member of the illegal terrorist groups of the LNR. He was a member of a battalion tactical group within the LNR fighters.
The traitor and terrorist Minchenkov Yakov Vasilyevich deserves a harsh and fair punishment. His actions are unforgivable. And he will soon answer for treason and a number of other criminal acts.
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