
Full name: Barieva Yana Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 06.04.1984

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Velyka Znamyanka village.


– propagandist of the “Russian world“;

– the secretary of the local occupation authority;

– An accomplice of the Russian troops, a collaborator of the Russian army



Barieva Anna Alexandrovna – a woman who lived all her life in Ukraine, but believed in the “Russian world” and became an accomplice of the enemy troops, was born in the village of Velyka Znamyanka, Kamensko-Dneprovskaya territorial community, Vasilievsky district, Zaporizhzhya region.

After the beginning of thefull-scale invasion of the Russian occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine in February 2022, the woman became one of the first residents of the mentioned locality, who voluntarily together with her family – a cohort of traitors seven went over to the side of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

A resident of the village of Velikaya Znamyanka went to cooperate with the occupiers, propagandizes “Russian peace” and supports Putin‘s occupation policy. Received a pseudo-benefit from the occupiers. He works as a secretary under the occupation authorities. It makes the local population want to get a Russian passport. I already got it myself. Agitating the locals to go fight for theSwami.

Thus, the woman was one of the first to receive a tricolor rag and hung it on the building of the village council and started agitating local residents to help the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces, the so-called “liberators”. The collaborator then began organizing humanitarian aid for the enemy and helping not only with food, but also with other supplies in the form of humanitarian aid for Russian terrorists. For example, Barieva helped the occupants to set up the Ukrainian mobile network and bought Ukrainian start-up packages for the Rashists and then refilled them so that they would not be blocked.

She also participates in gatherings of pro-Russian activists and discusses public issues. She engaged in entrepreneurial activities for the benefit of the occupants, happily welcomed Russian volunteer vehicles and tried to bribe locals with food in exchange for “passportization”.

For helping the enemy and betraying her homeland, the collaborator Barieva Yana Alexandrovna will be justly punished, and it will come for the traitor very soon, as well as for all collaborators of Putin’s regime.